i'm new in python/Raspberry and want to start with creating a MIDI in.
I've followed the instructions of this pages:
I've connected an arduino board which has a midi out and sends the note 38 on channel 1 with various velocities. The Midi out is tested and works perfectly).
But when i run the Script from the samplerbox page (http://samplerbox.org/article/midiinwithrpi) i get always "program change" instead of note on / note off.
Note value is always "23", messagechannel is always "15" and velocity is always 0.
messagetype is always "12".
Does somebody have an idea / tip what could be wrong?
When i connect the Arduinos MIDI Out to a windows Midi analyzing tool i get the correct values (Channel 1, Note on and Note off).
Every help is appreciated.
Best regards