How to get rid of the xruns?

Mikhail posted Feb 2 '16, 00:48:

Hi there from Russia, guys!
I used both RPi model B+ and RPi 2 to make this awesome sampler, and both worked fine! The only problem that I have is getting xruns sometimes. What should I do to get rid of them completely? Thank you in advance!
P.S.: Ребята, семплер и вправду очешуенный! Good job!

Pavel posted Feb 3 '16, 00:22:

Try using this branch with RPi:
It has better support of RPi 2 CPU instruction set, improved stability and fewer glitches


Mikhail posted Feb 3 '16, 12:38:

I used it, but sampler didn't start. What did I do wrong?

Mikhail posted Feb 3 '16, 12:48:

In fact, I use an RPi B+ right now

Mikhail posted Feb 3 '16, 14:02:

When I change a buffer size, the sampler doesn't start

Pavel posted Feb 3 '16, 14:32:

This version is compatible with Raspberry Pi 2 only

On B+ not much can be done, it has very limited FPU

Mikhail posted Feb 5 '16, 10:09:

I understand this, but I have RPi B+ only. Still, is there any way to optimize sound?


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