*Success* with changing default instrument without having to change program

Ian posted Mar 8 '24, 21:32:

I love to find a work around so have been playing around with this for a couple of days. I'm new to SamplerBox (and to Pi) but really wanted to have a piano sound on startup rather than the Saw instrument.

I didn't want to have to load samples from a USB stick or change program so here's what I did.
(There may be a much simpler way of doing this. I struggled to manually install SamplerBox so this method is using the pre-loaded SB.img).

Essentially, I am just replacing the Saw wav samples with Piano wav samples in the '0 Saw' folder so SamplerBox is looking in the same folder and you don't have to mess around trying to change the location.

  1. Login with root/root
  2. Mount as rewritable: mount -o remount,rw /
  3. Navigate to 0 Saw directory: cd /root/SamplerBox/0\ Saw/
  4. Remove all Saw wav files from 0 Saw folder (they will not show as removed until Pi has been rebooted) Type each line and press enter before you type the next:
    rm 36.wav
    rm 48.wav
    rm 60.wav
    rm 72.wav
    (I’m pretty sure you can just type rm *.wav to remove all wav files within the folder to save time)

  5. Using another computer, copy new samples onto a USB stick (example instruments here: www(dot)samplerbox(dot)org/instruments lots of piano samples here: www(dot)pianobook(dot)co.uk/packs). It doesn't matter what the folder is called that you put the samples in but for the sake of this we’ll call the folder ‘0 Piano’. **See renaming in 'things to note' section below.

Reboot Raspberry Pi

  1. Login with root/root
  2. Mount as rewritable: mount -o remount,rw /
  3. Navigate to 0 Saw directory: cd /root/SamplerBox/0\ Saw/
  4. Copy samples from USB stick to the 0 Saw directory:
    cp /media/0\ Piano/*.wav /root/SamplerBox/0\ Saw/


Piano/new instrument should now be default instrument.

Some things to note:

A) **I haven't yet searched for the definition.txt file in the 0 Saw folder yet so if you copy a sample with a midi note name instead of a midi note number it does not work. For example, if your new samples are named C2.wav you will need to change it to the midi note number. Rename it to 36.wav. Here's a link to convert them: inspiredacoustics(dot)com/en/MIDI_note_numbers_and_center_frequencies

B) When I installed SamplerBox onto a 32GB SD card it has removed the remaining disk space so I am currently looking at expanding the filesystem. I've not tried this yet but I'm hoping this will give me more space for larger sampled instruments. I don't yet have enough space to load the Grand Piano found here: www(dot)samplerbox(dot)org/instruments

I hope it helps some people that have been looking to do this. If anyone knows of a much simpler way I'd be up for hearing your recommendations!


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