Has anyone used this on a Pi 5 yet?

DcL posted Mar 3 '24, 00:13:

I have a stable SamplerBox setup on a Pi3b I've been using for years, I just got a Pi5, wondering if anyone has tried SamplerBox on it yet?

Ian posted Mar 6 '24, 17:19:

Not sure but I've just bought a Pi4 and can swap the micro SD card between my Pi4 and Pi2 and it works. Do you still have the SD card with the install on from the Pi3 you could try?

DcL posted Mar 8 '24, 19:11:

I tried using the latest Pi4 SamplerBox image - No luck, it failed to boot on the Pi5.
I also tried to build-it per the instructions, this too failed due to an error with this command:
"sudo pip3 install cython rtmidi-python cffi sounddevice pyserial"

error: externally-managed-environment

Apparently you need to install Python packages differently.
I did not have time troubleshoot this. If anyone has got SamplerBox working on a Pi5 I'd love to know how.

IanD posted May 15 '24, 23:04:

Found this thread that might be helpful...

stackoverflow.... /questions/75608323/how-do-i-solve-error-externally-managed-environment-every-time-i-use-pip-3

I'm about to buy a Pi 5 and hope we can get it working haha.

IanD posted May 25 '24, 23:32:

Yep, I did buy a raspberry pi 5 and setting it up now. I got around this issue by following the stack overflow site above. I used the following:

sudo mv /usr/lib/python3.11/EXTERNALLY-MANAGED /usr/lib/python3.11/EXTERNALLY-MANAGED.old

IanD posted May 26 '24, 00:05:

In the next step, I ran into an error where it couldn't find alsa/asoundlib.h. I was able to solve this by running the following to install the header file:

sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev

Note I'm on Raspberry pi 5 with python 3.11.2

NickD posted Sep 27 '24, 11:11:

Wow good Job IanD!
So did you end up getting it to run on the Pi5?

Marc posted Nov 2 '24, 22:10:

Hi, just bough a Raspberry Pi 5 before I went trhough this thread...

I have some knowledge on how to work with rasberry pi, but not that much.. It is not very clear to me what steps you did take in order to make the Raspberry boot correctly.

I have done the following steps:

  1. In the "config.txt" file, I have added device_tree=bcm2712-rpi-5-b.dtb
  2. I have found and upload in the SD card boot directory "bcm2712-rpi-5-b.dtb"
  3. I have found and upload in the SD card overlays directory "bcm2712d0.dtbo"

The Pi still fails to boot, and i get stuck at a black screen. I know th Pi does work because before I took the previous steps, I just created the SD card as specify in the "make it" section of the samplerbox website. I then do see the Pi boot, but a message appears saying "bcm2712-rpi-5-b.dtb" is missing.

Any clue on what I am missing here?

Patrick posted Feb 16, 18:14:

Hello Marc,
Since last November, did you get an answer to your question (SamplerBox on Pi5) ? I would be interested in the same configuration.
Thanks in advance for your answer.


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