Quantized/programmed triggering for loops (tempo/loop out marker based)? feature request

Francis posted Dec 19 '20, 00:59:

Hello, this is the single best project for RPi. I've been using it for such a long while now, gosh! Thank you!!
Onto the topic! As the title suggests, it'd be great to have a way to have different triggered loops flow into one another by way of a tempo based quantization system or by gluing them together based on the loop out marker of the last sample (as in: new key is played, previous sample plays till out marker, new sample starts). Without this you have to be really good at triggering samples back to back.
I understand this could be seriously difficult to implement.. This is, like, my dream future request. So no pressure and thank you, thank you, thank you! And kudos for your amazing work!!

HansEhv posted Dec 20 '20, 02:22:

Interesting idea, never thought of such an approach.
Now on my wish/todo list for the homspace fork :-)
.. but as you say, there are some complexities, so be patient.

Francis posted Dec 20 '20, 05:59:

Extra grateful!! :)
Keep up the great work!


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