.Sf2 or .gig support?

knollewurz posted May 25 '20, 09:59:

There are some great Sample libraries in sf2, sfz and gig format, is there a way to use them in SamplerBox whithout having to rename all .wav files??

john posted Jun 4 '20, 01:24:

i would love to know as well... sf2 is a great format cause it has embeeded loop markers

HansEhv posted Jun 14 '20, 23:55:

Please see post titled "Sound font files"

Richard posted Jul 1 '20, 11:20:

I've imported many of my "free sfz" library, and some of them work perfectly, and other's I've had some issues with.

Trial and error =)!

Richard posted Jul 1 '20, 12:15:

I should add, I added the .wav files and renamed and created a definition.txt to them. They all work, in one way or an other, but some or them are simply not good with the samplerbox, some needs tweaking and some are great right away.


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