Daniel posted Sep 18 '15, 00:10:
I want to use the SampleBox only for sampling Loops. If I only copy some loops, like 8, in the Folder it works. But if I copy a lot like 30 or so in the Folder it dosn´t work. Hmm,..I don´t know. Is it possible to loop a lot of different Loops and different Noises out of one folder with a Keyboard?
Sorry for my bad english, is not my native language. ;-)
Thank you for this awesome Project!!
Mirco posted Sep 19 '15, 14:12:
Hi Daniele
Is steange, about loop do you mean a WAV file in loop ? I had many WAV in one folder and i didnt have any problemi. Please could you attach an example of folder contenta andò definizione.txt file ?
Mirco posted Sep 19 '15, 14:14:
Sorry but automatic correction words of my phone is crazy ....
Daniel posted Sep 20 '15, 01:51:
Hello Mirco
Thanks for your answer. I tried it just again and it works perfect with about 30 .wav loop samples. I dont know what i did wrong the last time! So what,..i'm happy. I named the Files like 36,37,38,... without a text file.
Keep on making music!!
Greetz Daniel
Mirco posted Sep 20 '15, 11:02:
Great Daniel
Happy music