can not start samplerbox

Johan Teirlinck posted Feb 29 '20, 14:29:

Hello , i have follow the instructions : mount -o remount,rw /
and : systemctl status samplerbox
everything is loaded ansd active running , but :
warning : journal has been rotated since unit was started . log output is incompetent or unavailable .
Whats next ?

Johan Teirlinck posted Feb 29 '20, 15:00:

hello ,
samplerbox installed and running , but in terminal : Opened MIDI: Keystation 49 MK3 28:0
Opened MIDI: Keystation 49 MK3 28:1
Preset loading: 0 (0 Saw)
Preset loaded: 0
MidiInAlsa::alsaMidiHandler: unknown MIDI input error!

no sound at all


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