Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone's had any success with adding a volume knob? If so, can you share how you achieved this?
Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone's had any success with adding a volume knob? If so, can you share how you achieved this?
Hi martin i added 2 button on gpio forma volume control , if you need i can send you my code modifyed
Hi Mirco, that's awesome, could you send me the code too? [email protected] Many thanks.
Hi Mirco,
can you send me the code for volume control via gpio?. My email is [email protected].
Thanks in advance for that!
Hi Micro, yes that'd be fantastic. My email is [email protected]
Thanks a lot
If you could send me the code, that'd great. [email protected]
Many thanks to Mirko for this valuable collaboration. Arturo.
Thanks Arturo internet is for sharing
Hi Mirco
I am trying to use a stripped MAudio M88 ES with the midi volume control slider.
Could you sent the snippet of code where you implemented the volume control, maybe inline here so that others could also benefit from it?
Hi Michel
here there is my complete and modify script (samplerbox.py)
Regards mirco
hi mirco, I know this is old, but I would also be interested in the gpio volume buttons, any possibility of sharing (gdrive link seems dead)?
I'd also like this, please? Why not just post the code here in this thread? Is there a max-word limit? If there is, maybe you could paste it into CodePen or something and share the link?