I use oled display ssd1306 128x32
Address 0x3C
What bytes to send instead of '\ x76 \ x79 \ x00' +?
How to find out? or what to replace in line 405 samplerbox.py?
Hi Jason,
An OLED display is not the same as the basic 7-segment display. To put it bluntly: it won't work in the standard distribution with just changing a line: an extra driver is needed as well as other logic/procedure to route the messages.
Stay tuned as I will release a next version of my alternative version ( homspace.xs4all.nl/homspace/samplerbox ) within a month or two. This new version also supports the OLED display, thanks to thenothingman.
As this alternative version has lost of options, it requires some DIY to get it working, so it may not be your cup of tea. No hard feelings :-)
Hi HansEhv,
Thank! I will wait!
Hi Jason,
Did a safety check: current code only supports SH1106 (a 128x64 display with three buttons), so it won't work out of the box.
However the driver set has an ssd1306 entry, so in my opinion it shouldn't be too hard to adapt the code for your 128x64 device (famous last words...).
Please contact me via the "mail to Hans" option on the feedback page on above site to cooperate for making it work in a generic way.