Need ready to use SamplerBox image with working Velocity sensitivity, Pitch Bend and Samples Randomization features.
Please provide pointer for downloading the image.
Many thanks in advance.
I'm not an expert, but have you tried a different tone?
Different tone of asking the same question in this forum?
you're basically asking someone to work on your specific request to provide something free of charge.
you definitely don't sound like you're asking a favor. Just saying...
I installed this image (Alex's) yesterday.
It works on my RaspberryPi2 with a USB audio device and a USB MIDI controller (Arturia MiniLab).
My 2" PiTFT display is not working (I did not configure it for that yet). I am logged in via ssh and I did
systemctl stop samplerbox
so that I can see the messages that are displayed.
It responds to keyboard velocity and pitch bend. It seems to have randomization (meaning that it shows that it loads all the samples (with %seq) and plays the notes - have not verified that it plays different sample for each keypress on the same note yet though).
Thanks a lot Glenn for sharing the results of your efforts.
I tried the same image but samples do not load if I specify %seq parameter in definition.txt
I think I am not naming my files appropriately or not specifying definition.txt correctly.
Can you please share some wav file sample names with corresponding definition.txt which you used to get those samples loaded for both %velocity and %seq.
Many thanks again!
No sound - Are samples loaded?
systemctl status samplerbox
● samplerbox.service - Starts SamplerBox
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/samplerbox.service; enabled)
Active: active (running) since Thu 1970-01-01 00:00:02 UTC; 2min 22s ago
Main PID: 84 (
CGroup: /system.slice/samplerbox.service
├─84 /bin/sh /root/SamplerBox/
└─88 python /root/SamplerBox/
Jan 01 00:00:35[84]: ==== END GETTING MIDI DEVICES ====
Jan 01 00:00:36[84]: [139B blob data]
Jan 01 00:00:36[84]: x Notes are not filled > filling
Jan 01 00:00:36[84]: END LOADING: [0] Saw
Jan 01 00:00:36[84]: ///// All presets are now loaded into memory /////
Jan 01 00:00:36[84]: >>>> Global keyword found in definition -> %%fillnotes=Y
Jan 01 00:00:36[84]: RAM check at END of preset load
Jan 01 00:00:36[84]: RAM usage = 9%
Jan 01 00:00:36[84]: RAM limit = 65%
Jan 01 00:00:36[84]: + RAM usage is OK - can load next preset