Default Instrument on boot

Konrad posted Jun 21 '17, 16:42:

Hi :) Great software! Thank you!
I just need one instrument (piano) and i want it to be loaded at default after booting. i named the directory "0 Piano" but it didn't work. Can you please help me! I don't have the opportunity to make program chanhges with the keyboard. thank you! Konrad

Konrad posted Jun 23 '17, 08:09:

can anyone please help me? thank you !!

Ayskura posted Jun 24 '17, 11:36:

make sure to have 0 Saw renamend to 1 Saw or anything and name 0 Piano. Basically only one 0 should be on USB. If it doesn't work try a different USB Memory

Cedric posted Jul 6 '17, 09:31:


Talking about this, could you please help me to understand something.
"0 Saw" is located into /root/Samplerbox, on the MicroSD which runs the OS.
What about if you plug a USB stick : does Samplerbox software give the priority to the folders located to the USB stick ? Or does it go first into "0 Saw" of the OS MicroSD card first and then explorer the folders of the USB stick ?

I am asking because it has been a while that I am trying to use additional bank of sounds such as Grand Piano but without any success.
Either I get the default bank ("0 Saw") or I get no sound.

Thank you.


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