would this 7 segment display work?
thank you
would this 7 segment display work?
thank you
sorry about double posting it doesn't give confirmation on firefox and seem like it's not going! anyone have an answer about this please?
It won't work out of the box, but it might be possible to modify the SamplerBox python code to get it to workj.
Here are the technical problems to solve:
The SamplerBox code uses I2C to communicate with the Sparkfun display but that is not supported by the TM1637 chip. There are RPi libraries written to talk to the chip via GPIO bit-banging (just google "TM1637 raspberry pi"), but bit-banging is very inefficient - especially if it is done in python. Moreover, bit-banging requires that you dedicate two GPIO pins just for the display.
This is where you would put the code to talk to the TM1637.
I would look for another I2C display, e.g. something like:
For more info on how I2C works, see:
Maybe you should get this LCD display instead:
The picture shows the I2C adapter soldered onto the back of the display which you will need to use I2C with the module.
(The other listing says the module supports I2C, but doesn't show the adapter.)
thank you erikr I did get them and waiting, but I understood I did a mistake... I got one of these blue display with I2C which you suggested, thank you.
Will this work directly with the samplerbox Image I downloaded from here or do I need to use the one from Samplerbox2?
thank you
It won't work directly - you have to modify the Python script around line 405 as I indicated above.
The differences are:
where can I learn how to do it?
the LED display has I2C address 0x71. Replace that with the I2C address of your display.
---> where can I find this?
the I2C commands to control the display will be different. For the LED display you send the bytes '\x76\x79\x00' + ... You'll have to figure out which bytes to send to your display.
---> how can I figure it out?
thank you
Sorry erikr I meant would the display you told me to get (with I2C adapter) work directly? this is what I meant.
the Blue Display you said, I bought it. do I need to modify anything to make it work?
OK i need a bit of help here: I got the blue display delivered and it has the I2C adapter soldered in place. I plugged the 4 cables Ground / VCC /SDA /SCL as from samplerbox but it doesn't work (it switches on the led on the back but no signal in the screen). I saw on samplerbox 2 how to plug it without the I2C board which seem straight forward and should work directly but I am not too sure of dissoldering the I2C and before I get another one of these monitors without the board I wanted to ask if there is a way to make it work with I2C or it's better I solder 12 cables and use the samplerbox2 image... anyone can help? thank you
OK I managed to make the 16x2 work with I2C! Thank you Erikr you gave me a very good advice
I use oled display ssd1306 128x32
Address 0x3C
What bytes to send instead of '\ x76 \ x79 \ x00' +?
How to find out?