Hi !
Before i buy an PCB SD card reader...
Do I have to solder an USB cable to the PCB SD card reader ?
Or can I also use a standard USB SD Card Reader ?
I don't know why Joseph's instructions show a picture of that particular USB PCB Card Reader when the reality is that any USB Memory stick plugged into a USB port on the Pi (or a Hub) will do perfectly well.
I bought one of those USB 2.0 readers as detailed in Joseph's instructions (and waited for it to arrive from Pollin in Germany) only to find it really wasn't necessary. Plus I have no idea how to make up a 4-Pin Molex to USB 2.0 cable!!
Hi Richard !
Thanks for the Info !
So i can try my Idea with an micro SD Card USB Adapter. THX !! I will post my solution if it works ! Grüsse aus HH :-) Sven
I just use a USB memory stick.
Hi there,
Short answer: any USB stick or any USB SD reader will work.
I should give more explanations about this USB SD reader, and why this one. I chose that model because I wanted an USB SD reader that is a PCB, that I can screw inside this box.
And this one was cheap (~1 or 2€) and worked well.
But you're right I should give additional informations on the site!
Hi joseph,
so now it is clear! Thanks for the clarification!