Hi everyone. I've been playing with samplerbox and when using a velocity layered library at about 200meg, the performance time is about ~30 minutes. Around 20+ minutes artifacts begin of static pops, delayed note triggers, and cutting off of samples, eventually to the point of unplayable. Anyone else experiencing this? What is the longest non stop performance time you have got out of it? Post below your times and hardware.
Raspberry PI 3 Model B A1.2GHz 64-bit quad-core ARMv8 CPU, 1GB RAM
SamplerBox Image with SamplerBox2 from Erik - http://www.nickyspride.nl/sb2/
Gikfun 5V USB Powered PCM2704 DAC Sound Card
USB to Midi Mio brand cable
150mg to 250mg home made velocity layered sample library
16 gig mini-sd