Why Does Samplerbox considered this voice empty ?

craig posted Feb 18 '17, 23:51:

pi@raspberrypi:/media/usb0/1 Mellotron-Strings $ ls
a#3.wav a4.wav c#3.wav c#5.wav d3.wav d#5.wav e3.wav f#3.wav f4.wav g3.wav
a3.wav b3.wav c#4.wav c5.wav d#4.wav d5.wav e4.wav f3.wav f5.wav g#4.wav
a#4.wav b4.wav c4.wav d#3.wav d4.wav definition.txt e5.wav f#4.wav g#3.wav g4.wav
pi@raspberrypi:/media/usb0/1 Mellotron-Strings $ more definition.txt
pi@raspberrypi:/media/usb0/1 Mellotron-Strings $

craig posted Feb 20 '17, 02:22:

The problem was the wav files contained 32 floating point samples. Once I converted them to 16 bit integer samples, everything worked fine.


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