Recognise MIDI Channels 1,2 and 3

Derek Hamilton posted Dec 30 '16, 15:19:

I'd like to use SamplerBox as an Accordion expander. Accordion MIDI is set with MIDI channel 1 as Right hand keyboard, MIDI channel 2 Left hand chords and MIDI channel 3 as left hand bass and counter bass.
Has anyone made SamplerBox recognise separate MIDI channels instead of all MIDI channels at once?

HansEhv posted Dec 30 '16, 23:27:

There are versions restricting to 1 midi channel. Also possibilities to load more than 1 sample set simulaneously (voices), as well as chords support. My build has those building blocks.
Combining those (which I think can be done) seems answer to your question.
But I have a question in return: does the chord channel receive the chords from the accordion, or is it a single note which should generate the chord. And if so: how is indicated what type of chord should be generated ?
The midi implementations charts I found for midi accordeons just showed note-on/note-off and program change. So I expect the accordion sends all notes for chords (this is also logical, as you keep the control via the buttons on the instrument).

Derek Hamilton posted Apr 1 '17, 15:12:

Sorry for long time to reply Hans. The accordion sends individual notes which are formed into chords by the mechanical internal set up of the accordion left hand. In other words, when a chord button is pressed three note on messages are sent from the accordion to the expander.


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