max posted Dec 28 '16, 20:51:
Hey sammplerbox users,
Recently I got keyscape and thought to myself why not try to convert those samples to wav.
So how exectly my guess was link omnisphere 2 to FL studio and convert it to wav file.
Not sure if this will be working maby someone have a better way of doig this.
Tommy posted May 27 '20, 18:39:
This is a brilliant idea, Max. Did you ever get anywhere with this idea? Could the SamplerBox handle the size of the Keyscape files? Did you manage to convert the sample files to WAVs?
Pete Tinsley posted Jun 30 '20, 10:36:
I think I've managed to do it. I'd be happy to convert all the instruments. Could someone check that this one works first please before I continue with the rest? Thanks.
Richard posted Jul 1 '20, 11:19:
I'll try it out if you can give a download link =).
Anything should work in theory =)
tom posted Apr 1 '23, 12:10:
Hey! I'd be happy to try this. Can you explain how did you do this or share your solution?