Hello there..
I just uploaded my supposed-to-be a Samplerbox preset of mellotron strings on my dropbox..
I would like to understand why my Raspberry Pi 3 (still without sound card, and modified using Erik's update files)
- Transposes my samples one octave up.. Though when I listen to each .wav file on my computer, and I compare with Joseph's flute samples, they are correctly named..
- Plays up to 9seconds in the lower notes, and only 4 seconds in octave+1, 2seconds in the next octave, etc.. (In fact, it acts as it were transposing one sample..)
- Plays notes up to the higher end of the keyboard, but not down to the lower end..
- Starts playing (the lowest note) on G when the first sample is a C#..
(I'm not a robot..)