Jeremie posted May 31 '16, 13:46:
I’m trying to get the samplerbox to work on a RPI3. I tried just changing some files like a few post on the forum said, managed to get the samplerbox to boot but without any sound. I decided to try the manual installation (it is good, I also have a working raspbian that way :) but only got halfway: the samplerbox is working, with my keyboard, in the Terminal "mode" and I got the raspberry to boot with the samplerbox. But at that point, it doesn't work anymore.
• /media/ as root directory doesn’t work, in Terminal mode at least. I have to give the full directory name ("/media/pi/USB STICK").
• samplerbox doesn’t work in shell mode. One of the error messages I get is "USError [Errno 13] Permission denied. /media/pi/USB DISK". May be related to the 1st problem. I don't know why
• When starting in shell mode, I don’t land on the same screen as the original project (the "samplerbox login"), but directly in the actual program. Also I didn’t manage to quit the program to get back to the graphical environment (ctl-c and startx do nothing). I got it to start at boot by modifying the sudo nano /etc./rc.local file (by adding sudo python /home/pi/SamplerBox/
I have a very limited knowledge of raspbian and all the other required programs and am stuck here. Can someone please help me solve those problems?
Erik posted May 31 '16, 15:10:
I would just use the original SamplerBox image and change the two files from the rasbian image.
• Download from Raspbian Jessie Lite from Raspberry site
• Mount image (OSX)
• Open SD card (with samplerbox.img)
• Copy fixup.dat and start.elf to SD
login as root: user: root, password: root
mount as read/write: Mount –o remount,rw /
stop current process: type: top
Note the python process number
ctrl-C to quit top
kill <process number>
change the audio device in the file until it works.
test with: pyhton
reboot to make SD read-only again and test it
The SamplerBox Image is great: Read-only (you want this to avoid corruption of your SD), fast (<6 sec startup) and stable. Very difficult to make it working like this from scratch!!!!
Jeremie posted May 31 '16, 16:52:
I'm trying it again the way you said (and still working on the manual install on a 2nd sd).
Only copying the fixup.dat and start.elf to SD doesn't work tho, or I didn'get how to do it. The RPI turns on (the fruit appears on top left corner), but it never boots to the login. I have to also copy "bcm2710-rpi-3-b.dtb" and "kernel7.img" to the SD card for the RPI to get me to the login.
I'm now trying to note the python process number, but which one is it? None of the process have the name python in them (sorry if this is a stupid question, I don't want to kill the wrong process)
Also I have noticed that the "python" never works on my RPI, I always need to give the full path (python /root/SamplerBox/ or /home/pi/Sam.... when on Jessie). Should I modifiy something to take that into account?
Also as Information, on the manual installation, I managed to get sounds when starting in the shell by putting the samples on the main SD card, which means the path was the problem. Still have to get how to get it to start the same way as the samplerbox image. I also get a lot of error messages related to ALSA.
Erik posted May 31 '16, 17:22:
I never Copied those files....
You copy just from image (Jesse mounted) to sd card from a Mac ? Or pc if you can mount the img file.
If you use top and there is no Python it is not started...
By copying the kernel7 file didn't you overwrite the file System??? No clue.
First go to the folder:
Cd samplerbox
Good luck!
Erik posted May 31 '16, 17:23:
I also get Alsaerrors but it works!!!
CyberKevin posted Jun 1 '16, 00:08:
Dear Jeremie,
I've had the same problem like you. The problem is, a new Raspbian version has been released. So using fixup.dat and start.elf won't work, if it's the may-version.
If you chose Erik's solution and use the the old samplerbox-image. You should copie the files from the older March version of raspbian wich is still available here:
Is still got problems using the GPIO-pins, but I'm locking forward to fix this problems soon. Any ideas Erik?
Good luck
Erik posted Jun 1 '16, 06:43:
wow, never thought that the latest version of fixup and start.elf wouldn't work... I now have stable SD card that works, didn't repeat the process last month.
I have a solution for the IO. As I attached a LCD (2x16 lines) I also needed that. The solution is to upgrade the IO via:
• Update GPIO from:
• Download, unzip, put on USB stick
• Go to directory on USB stick
• Mount as read/write
• Install: python install
By default the GPIO does not work at all. After this the LCD works great.
I have a manual with all my modifications to get the image updated and with my modifications to the python script, I can also quickly make a basic website for this. No clue where to host this. I can image that others also would like to have freeverb.
If now there was a way to send a PM...
Jeremie posted Jun 1 '16, 09:53:
Thanks to both of you, I got it to work with the march version of raspbian jessie and following Erik's instructions.
There still is one thing: it doesn't start automatically, I have to login and manually enter python /root/SamplerBox/ I'll see if I can find where to change that.
My manual installation of the RPI3 is working too, but seems less stable. I'll now try to make it read only now.
Erik instead of a PM, you could upload it to a folder in any cloud service (I know google drive can do it, probably many others) or file sharing website and share the link in the forum. It could help anyone trying to make samplerbox work on an RPI3
Erik posted Jun 1 '16, 11:31:
I'll create a small website on my synology nas to host everything. Hope to have this ready this week.
Good that you have the version working. Unclear why it doesn't start. It should start Perhaps you have to make it runable, or change the content.
I changed the content to:
sleep 5
cd /media/SamplerBox2
The sleep is to wait for the USB to be ready. I put my script on the USB stick. This way I can modify and backup everything easily. No need to make the SD read/write.
I copied the complete directory to the USB stick. I can even make small modifications by removing the USB stick and modify on a laptop.
Making a Jessie installation fully read-only is not trivial, I tried it and failed a few times. Several tutorials give different directions. The SamplerBox image is perhaps an older version and does not enable WIFI, but works great, is stable and starts in 6 secs.
Jeremie posted Jun 1 '16, 14:23:
Thanks again Erik, I made a few change at the file (can't remember all I did, worked on way to many versions ^^) and my RPI now works as intended ! :D
Jeremie posted Jun 1 '16, 17:20:
I somehow corrupted my SD cards by trying a few other things and had to start again. It's working again, and I wrote down for a friend a step by step of what I did. I share it here for anyone that wants to install the samplerbox on the RPI3.
Please note that I don’t use the digitast button since my keyboard (Akai MPK25) can change the samples. Also, at startup, the sample is only loaded when I select one with my keyboard, it doesn’t work automatically. This is not a perfect version, but it may help a few persons.
Using the hdmi output cuts the sound of the jack output. If you have a screen connected, I recommend using one with sound (or a TV), otherwise you won’t know if your samplerbox is working.
Download and unzip samplerbox image (Recommended install) on this website and raspbian jessie (march 2016 version!, see CyberKevin’s post). You'll also need to install those programs (or an equivalent): SDFormatter, Win32DiskImager, Paragon ExtFS (for windows).
Format your SD card with SDFormatter and install the samplerbox image with Win32DiskImager.
- Mount Raspbian Jessie (or install it on a 2nd SD card), select the "fixup.dat" and "start.elf" files and copy them on your samplerbox SD card (to replace the original files).
(eventually restart your PC, mine sometimes crashes down if I go straight to step 4)
Open the root folder of your SD card (use Paragon ExtFS), go to >root>SamplerBox and modify the file : replace AUDIO_DEVICE_ID=2 with a number that works for you (not set rule, usually 0=RPI sound card, 2=ext. sound card) ; SAMPLES_DIR => write down the location of your samples ; replace “True” with “False” for every component you’re not using.
- In the same folder, modify the file (my RPI3 doesn’t auto-start the samplerbox without that modification):
sleep 5
python /root/SamplerBox/
Voilà, this is in the end all I had to do to make it work. Still took me 2 days to figure everything out. There may be a few other modification to do to make it better or more stable (look at Erik's posts, they are full of informations)
CyberKevin posted Jun 2 '16, 02:03:
Hey Guys,
Thank you very much Erik. Updating thE GPIO helps a lot. Now everything works fine on my RPi 3.
I'm also glad to hear that Jeremie's problems seems to be fixed right now. Your instruction is very helpful, and could be a great dupport for everyone.
Don't forget to mention Eriks fantastic hint, how to set up the GPIOs.
I'll ask all my friends if they've got some space on there servers. Perhaps this would be an easy solution to publish Ericks Image. I'm also very curious if freeverb works on a RPi3.
See you soon!
Erik posted Jun 2 '16, 09:46:
Freeverb works great. I've assigned most parameter to my sliders on my controller (Kurzweil PC3):
- wet-level
- roomsize
- Spread
- damping
As I only use it for a fantastic sample of my CFX in my Yamaha digital piano, I have several setups with different values for this. As the preset does not change the switching is very quick. A dry piano for cutting through, one with a big room for ballads, one with small room and very wet for rock (kind of chorus). Sounds great!
I made 2 for me important changes:
3 things are added that I also needed:
- Backing tracks and click tracks with in total 4 outputs
- Tone control : 5 channel parametric EQ. This works, but takes too much CPU power and clicks when adjusted. Perhaps for the PI4.
- 2x16 char LCD display
I'll release my .py file and documentation in a week.
Yes took way too much time, but it is nice to have (partly) your own created device!
woz posted Aug 28 '16, 06:50:
finally my RPI3 Model B is go
omg this thread made my life
sleep 5
just before
python /root/SamplerBox/
in the "" file
was fire. the good kind.
thanks also for a link to get the March 2016 version of Jessie, I'm going to keep that in a locked chest buried in the yard from now on.