What do I name the .wav files?

Sweetness posted Feb 12 '16, 22:12:

What do I name all the folders that go on the USB

Sax posted Feb 14 '16, 08:45:

/0 Piano/
/1 Flute/

FAQ: Question 8

Sweetness posted Feb 14 '16, 14:54:

But what are the actual .wav files named? I know what the folders are named, just not the actual wav files. I'm using a 25 keyboard for reference. Thank you.

Sweetness posted Feb 14 '16, 14:55:

But what are the actual .wav files named? I know what the folders are named, just not the actual wav files. I'm using a 25 keyboard for reference. Thank you.

Philippe posted Feb 15 '16, 14:01:

Download 2 Mellotron MK II Flute in "instruments" section for the example, give your sounds the same names (notename.wav to affect a sound to a note of your keyboard), don't forget to place the text file in the folder.

Sweetness posted Feb 17 '16, 22:43:

OK I got the Flute one wprking fine but the Grand Piano does not work when I drop it into my folder. Any ideas as tp why? TY


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